Academy Learning Management System v5.10


Academy Learning Management System is a platform that allows students and teachers to share knowledge through a structured course-based system. Teachers can create an unlimited number of courses, video lessons, and documents based on their expertise, while students can enroll in these courses and learn anytime, anywhere.


To get started as a course instructor or admin, follow these quick start steps:

  1. Read all the provided documentation carefully before using the software.
  2. Install the application following the “Installation and Update” guide carefully.
  3. Login as the site administrator to organize your system.
  4. Update your System Settings and Payment Settings from the Settings option of the left sidebar menu. Make sure to provide a valid YouTube API key and a valid Vimeo API key on System Settings.
  5. Create Categories by going to the Categories option in the left sidebar menu.
  6. Create Sub-categories under a specific Category by selecting a specific category, clicking on the Action dropdown menu, and selecting Manage Sub-categories. Then, click on the “+Add Sub Category” button and fill in all the required fields to create a Sub-category.
  7. Create Courses by going to the Courses option from the left menu, and clicking on the “+Add Course” button to access the “Add Course Form”. Fill in all the fields carefully.
  8. Create at least one Section for each Course. Move to the Courses page, select a specific course, click on the action dropdown menu, and select Manage Section. After clicking on Manage Section, click on the “+Add Section” button to create a new section.
  9. Create Lessons under each Section of a specific Course. Move to the Course page, select a specific course, click on the Action dropdown button, and select Manage Lesson. Then, click on the “+Add Lesson” button to create a new lesson.

To get started as a course student, follow these quick start steps:

  1. Access the website by hitting the application URL.
  2. Search for a specific course or browse through the top courses, top ten latest courses, or category-based courses on the home page.
  3. Sign up if you’re not registered yet, or log in if you’re already registered.
  4. Add courses to your Shopping Cart or Wishlists.
  5. View course details by clicking on a course thumbnail, which will take you to the course details page containing all the essential information about the course.
  6. Add courses to your Shopping Cart if you want to buy them.
  7. Check out and pay for the courses on the Shopping Cart page.
  8. View your purchased courses on the My Courses menu by hovering over your profile image from the header.
  9. Play the lessons by clicking on the thumbnail from the My Courses page.

Academy LMS also offers several addons, including Academy LMS v5.10, Academy LMS Live Streaming Class v1.4.0, Academy LMS Paystack Payment v1.2, Academy LMS Amazon S3 Hosting Addon 3 August 20, Academy LMS Student Android App v1.2, Academy LMS Mobile App Flutter iOS & Android v2.1, Academy LMS Offline Payment v1.2.4, and Academy LMS Noticeboard Addon v1.0.
