Bundle Product v6.0 | Pack Products Module Prestashop [v1.6-v1.7]



Bundle Product adds an extra feature of creating a bundle by combining two or more than two products. Offer these bundle at lesser price to increase sales. You can now create two types of bundle i.e normal & custom
bundle product.

Do you wish to offer a product that consists of two or more than two products?

If yes, then Prestashop bundle product is what you should be looking for. The Bundle Product module enables you to create a bundle product by combining multiple products.

Create two types of bundle product :Normal/fixed type bundle product & Custom bundle product with the help of this module.

Normal bundle product consists of fixed products. Here, a customer doesn’t get an option to choose products which he/she may wish to buy from the bundle. Whereas, the custom bundle product will allow your customers
to choose products of their choice from available sections.

Additionally, the Prestashop Bundle Products also provides an option of advanced feature. This option enables store owners to add quantity-wise discount on the sections of the bundle product. The feature also allows you
to add all products of a category/sub-category in one go.

Demo : https://addons.prestashop.com/en/cross-selling-product-bundles/22890-bundle-product-pack-products.html

Bundle Product
