Elstar v1.1.4 React Tailwind Admin Template



Elstar is a complete React admin template with developer experience friendly & highly scalable, it comes with a complete set of UI components meticulously crafted with Tailwind CSS & React Hooks, it fulfilled most of the
use case to create modern and beautiful UI and application.


Elstar GPL offers several themes and layout options that allow you to update the style of your application in no time, it also supports dark theme & multiple locales including RTL languages.

Elstar Features

Latest version React
Create React App
React hooks based architecture
Redux toolkits
React router 6
REST Api integration ready
Prebuild Tailwind components
Light & Dark mode
Multiple layouts variation
Multiple theme colors pptions
Fully Responsive
Flexible Layout
In built practical demo
RTL Support
Trusted Support
Constantly Updates
Well Documented
And many more…

Elstar has built-in working functionality pages, routing configuration, app configuration and auth features. It also includes a lot of reusable bottom & upper-level components which let you kickstart any project quickly.

Demo : https://themeforest.net/item/elstar-react-tailwind-admin-template/39768117

